Tuesday 1 July 2014

why do I write ?: Dabang sey dabboo tak..

why do I write ?: Dabang sey dabboo tak..: उम्र जैसे बीत गयी है एक पहेली के पीछे न जाने कितने पड़ाव आये जब दिल और दिमाग द्वंद्व करते रहे मगर सुकून नहीं मिल पाया .ज़िन्दगी में खुश रहने ...

why do I write ?: why do I write ?: Leaving leaves......

why do I write ?: why do I write ?: Leaving leaves......:  Leaving leaves...... : Have you ever felt the bonding of lively leaves with the stem.... they dance, they swing, they smile and grow with ...

why do I write ?: why do I write ?: My Existence

why do I write ?: why do I write ?: My Existence:  My Existence : A lonely evening, bright moon stood in the black dark sky,the branches appearing like veins and the leaves whispering as if ...