Tuesday 28 May 2013

why do I write ?: My Existence

 My Existence: A lonely evening, bright moon stood in the black dark sky,the branches appearing like veins and the leaves whispering as if not to dis...

why do I write ?: Leaving leaves......

 Leaving leaves......: Have you ever felt the bonding of lively leaves with the stem.... they dance, they swing, they smile and grow with cheerfulness and warm...

why do I write ?: Why do I write..what I feel I scribble...what ...

why do I write ?:

Why do I write..

what I feel I scribble...what ...
: Why do I write.. what I feel I scribble...what I think I pen it...its a way to express and show the feelings which are genuine and cl...

Saturday 18 May 2013

My Existence

A lonely evening, bright moon stood in the black dark sky,the branches appearing like veins and the leaves whispering as if not to disturb the birds.....The thoughts dwelling in the mind broadening the extent of worries and the reality.Who am I on this earth ..can I define myself...Am I born to do my duties,taking responsibilities…..why should I compromise and sacrifice?cherishing friendship and protecting relationship ....Is it for peace or solace..where am I heading to.... for complete salvation..oh my existence or identity crisis..so many roles to play yet the soul wandering its way to escape.

Leaving leaves......

Have you ever felt the bonding of lively leaves with the stem....
they dance, they swing, they smile and grow with cheerfulness and warmth.They bathe in the rains welcoming the heat of sun, enduring the cool and piercing wind without any pains but alas, the fall comes…and the time to separate and to say good bye.Even the fall leaves look beautiful showing unusual hues of colors but who cares for the wailing dry leaves turning into a heap ignored and deserted…few being moved away far and far and get ultimately lost mingling with the earth .Feel the pain of leaves, are n’t we lucky to emote ourselves through various means.Lets learn from them and move ahead on the path of life

Why do I write..

what I feel I scribble...what I think
I pen it...its a way to express and show the feelings
which are genuine and close to my heart.when I
write I feel alive from inside, my soul bleeds while
emoting from deep inside and it gives the ultimate satisfaction
and a virtual salvation.Its an escape from the emotions away from my personality.
I write to feel good and feel blissful.The turbulence inside goes scripted, gets its form
in the shape of the words.Its like separating sometimes the agitation and anger or
the zeal and enthusiasm or the sensitivity and sensuality on a piece of paper as a tribute
to myself.I write to sensitize the people's conscience towards those subjects which are around
us but often ignored.When I write I know what kind of people are going to appreciate the
message which I try to spread and then it gives me immense pleasure and motivation to write
more and more......Writing gives me more confidence and strength to express the sentiments beautifully.
The thoughts the ideas entwined with the grey matter and irrigated by the blood is when picturised in the form
of words it makes me feel calm and serene.My writing gives me happiness as the purity of emotions flow naturally and genuinely touch others to sensitize the soul.
